“Hilangnya oposisi menjadi pertanda bahwa rezim Prabowo akan berjalan tanpa ada mekanisme Test and balances. Itu berbahaya,” ujarnya.“Siapa lagi yang akan mengawasi pemerintah? Apakah pemerintah akan efektif kalau yang mengawasi mereka adalah orang-orang Prabowo sendiri?The point out’s losses calculated from the BPK need to be real and defi… Read More
"My posture on the IDI Board is reasonably new, but it is fulfilling to include the perspectives of IDI as well as the IDI Board in the vision of BPK to view that, equally as Indonesia is an element of the global Neighborhood, BPK also has a job to Perform in the worldwide network of SAI's. This larger outlook opens up possibility within producing … Read More